Sunday, June 13, 2010

England vs. USA

Well.... what can i say..... except for...


Poor Green... over-confident with himself. England was suppose to win that game. they scored the first 5 minutes. they already won the psychology war by then. but our Mr. Green decided to make a joke out of it. damn...

oh ya... on a random note....

aku tak faham dgn perempuan malaysia ni. kalau tak minat bola ckp je tak minat bola. jgn buat2 minat, and buat2 komen kat FB aku, or PM aku kat YM dok bagi nonsense punya statement. i am a serious Football lover! i dont just go to the match for the sake of socializing or whatever... i really wanna watch the game.

sorry to say lah... aku tak boleh blah bila pompuan mai bagi komen tah hapa2 pasal game tu. for example, game antara Argentina dgn Nigeria, bagi aku agak best la... tp most of this perempuan ckp game tu bosan. aku rasa keeper Nigeria bagus. and i can see the tough competition between the keeper and Messi.

aku tau... kalau ckp pasal team pilihan... mmg boleh jd kes gado. esp dgn pompuan. so baik takyah ckp. bila diorang PM aku ke ape ke... aku iya kan aje. susah pe. stakat ckp dimulut yg ko sokong team tu team ni... tp ape info pun tatau baik takyah. seriously... for this World Cup season, girls please stay away from me. biar aku hang out dgn guys sekejap.

oh ya.... please lah... most of the girls... bila tanya apa team fav.... jawapan adalah either England or Brazil. erghhh....


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